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Vandaag geopendVan 10:00 tot 20:00

BYLIMA was launched in 2014 by the owner Salima Tarzati and expanded into an international brand started from the Netherlands, with two stores located in Amsterdam and Westfield Mall of the Netherlands.

Salima Tarzati is a self-taught fashion designer who was born and raised in Amsterdam. She grew up in a traditional Moroccan family with fascination for different cultures and international fashion.


  • maandag 11:00 tot 20:00
  • dinsdag 10:00 tot 20:00
  • woensdag 10:00 tot 20:00
  • donderdag 10:00 tot 20:00
  • vrijdag 10:00 tot 20:00
  • zaterdag 10:00 tot 20:00
  • zondag 12:00 tot 18:00