List of service providers

Hostess (registration)

Company name

Address / place of business

Commercial register

Country from where personal data is processed / stored


32 rue de Ponthieu, 75008

RCS B444168463



Registration Account Manager (registration – login - password)

Company name

Address / place of business

Commercial register

Country from where personal data is processed / stored

Gigya Inc.

2513 East Charlestine Road Suite 200 Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

A Delaware corporation

Israel / US*

Cardiweb (card creation)

14 rue auber 75009 Paris, France

RCS Paris n° B 431809 508



CRM-Manager (CRM-Management)

Company name

Address / place of business

Commercial register

Country from where personal data is processed / stored

 Lineup7  8 boulevard du Montparnasse, 75015 Paris  SIREN : 810386110 France


Cf supra

Cf supra

Cf supra

Salesforce EMEA Ltd

Floor 26 Salesforce tower 110 bishopsgate, London EC2N 4AY United Kingdom

English company


Oxala Consulting

39, rue Crozatier, 75012 Paris


Immatriculation au registre du commerce et des sociétés : 532251725




Analysis-Manager (anlaysis of customer behavior)

Company name

Address / place of business

Commercial register

Country from where personal data is processed / stored

Fifty five

5 rue d’Athènes, 75009, Paris, france


RCS Paris518864848


Customer Satisfaction

Company name

Address / place of business

Commercial register

Country from where personal data is processed / stored


4 avenue des Saules - Doge B - 59000 Lille


SIREN : 521 950 626


E-Mail-Manager (E-Mailing)

Company name

Address / place of business

Commercial register

Country from where personal data is processed / stored

Espace Expansion

2 avenue de l'Europe, 78 140 Vélizy

323 998 690



Data-Storage-Manager (data storage)

Company name

Address / place of business

Commercial register

Country from where personal data is processed / stored

Amazon Web services Inc.

1200 12th Avenue South

Suite 1200

Seattle, WA98144

United States


Delaware corporation

Ireland/ US*

Google Ireland Limited

Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland

Irish corporation

Ireland / US*


*No access to personal data without a specific authorization of the Data Controller