FIND US IN Westfield Stratford City
ABOUT Beard Surgeon
Founded in 2020, Beard Surgeon began with two friends who met at university and developed a friendship that resembles a brotherhood. A third friend visited the two friends and said "The reason I hate grooming my beard is because I have never used a product that made me feel confident, nor good about myself after using it." From that day, the three friends made a promise that they would formulate grooming products that will allow men to SMELL GOOD, LOOK GOOD, FEEL GOOD.
The creation of Beard Surgeon was very necessary in the grooming market as it brings a vibrant personality & uniqueness to the industry. The Beard Surgeon goal is to make men fall in love with the process of grooming, by enabling them to feel confident and look groomed no matter what part of the world they reside in. As part of the goal the Beard Surgeon Team also strive to educate men on the importance of grooming through our diverse range of products, social platforms and face to face interactions with our customers.
LOOK GOOD, FEEL GOOD, SMELL GOOD is Beard Surgeon motto and summarises the impact of our products in a nutshell. After applying our products to the beard or hair the consumer will LOOK groomed, our unique scented products will have them SMELLING GOOD just like a perfume would, and they will naturally FEEL GOOD due to the way they will be perceived by the rest of the world.
What makes Beard Surgeon unique is we are one of the first grooming brands to sell perfume inspired products. Beard Surgeon are bridging the gap between the Perfumery and Grooming industries, making it a cosmetic necessity. You have the choice to choose between our numerous scented products, the different descriptions can be found on our website and from there you can change the way you, a friend, partner or loved one views grooming.