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Currency exchange at ChangeGroup
ChangeGroup offers the best exchange rates and 0% fee for all online orders. You can order your currency online and pick up your currency in ChangeGroup's branch at Westfield Mall of Scandinavia or exchange your currency directly at our branch. ChangeGroup is a global leader in currency exchange with over 30 years of experience and offers a wide range of over 60 currencies.
Here's how you can exchange your currency:
1. Order your currency online on ChangeGroup's website
By placing an order on ChangeGroup's website, you can save significantly. Simply place your order online and pick your currency at Westfield Mall of Scandinavia before you travel. This way you get the best rate for your currency exchange and 0% commission.
2. Exchange your currency at ChangeGroup’s branch
If you don't have time to order online, ChangeGroup's office in Westfield Mall of Scandinavia offers fast currency exchange services specially designed for travelers: currency exchange, BuyBack service, bill payments, cash deposit and money transfer with Western Union.
Why exchange your currency with ChangeGroup?
- Best exchange rates and 0% comission for all online orders
- Wide range of services for travelers
- Convenient location: ChangeGroup's branch is conveniently located at the Mall of Scandinavia
- 30 years of experience: With three decades of experience in providing foreign currencies to travelers, ChangeGroup is a well-known currency exchange provider
- Wide selection of currencies: ChangeGroup offers over 60 currencies to choose from, including the most exotic ones, ensuring you can get the currency you need.
- Professional team: ChangeGroup's friendly and experienced team is always available to help you with any questions.
For additional information about ChangeGroup's services and branch locations, visit our website