Following the huge rush on the vaccination buses that have already been successfully in operation at Westfield Shopping City Süd in recent weeks, Austria's largest shopping centre is now opening its own vaccination line in the Westfield Shopping City Süd office building in cooperation with the state of Lower Austria. A total of 4 vaccination lines will be open daily from 14:00 to 20:00 on weekdays and from 09:00 to 15:00 on Saturdays and Sundays. Everyone has the opportunity to be immunised against Covid-19 before or after their visit to the centre, both with and without registration. This includes both initial immunisations and booster vaccinations. The team around the Lower Austrian vaccination coordinator Constantin Chwoika from Notruf Niederösterreich is responsible for the organisation and implementation of the Covid-19 vaccination.
‘By opening the vaccination route, we want to make a further contribution to containing the coronavirus pandemic and hope that many people will take up the vaccination offer. Only together can we end this pandemic. Every single vaccination counts,’ says Anton Cech, Head of Shopping Centre Management at Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield Austria.
Westfield Shopping City Süd would like to thank all participating sponsors for their great cooperation: Main, Hellrein CKV Group, Projekt 21 Werbeagentur, Interspar, Lightsign Werbe GmbH.