In March 2021 Westfield London, in collaboration with the Royal College of Art, launched ‘Future Fashion’, a sustainable design competition inviting London creatives to ‘compete to design a sustainable future,’ by submitting plans of a piece of work that encourages sustainable consumption.

Designs were submitted across 6 categories of medium: Textile, Photography, Graphic, Jewellery, Sculpture and Illustration

Submissions were assessed by a panel of judges from internationally recognised brands and six winners have received funds to complete a commission piece set to be displayed in Westfield London’s exhibition windows throughout 2021-2022.

This initiative both recognises local talent and promotes sustainable consumption, both key elements in our Better Places 2030 strategy

“We are so pleased we’re able to provide emerging talent from the local community a platform to have their work not only commissioned but exhibited here at Westfield London.

"Shining a light on the designers’ passion for sustainability in fashion, this competition also aims to incentivise consumers to adopt more sustainable habits whilst highlighting our commitment to embedding sustainable and community-driven initiatives across our centres."

- Harita Shah, Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield

Get Involved

Globally £12 billion worth of clothing gets thrown into landfill every year. There’s no need to throw clothes in the bin - you can drop off your unwanted clothes at our Guest Services desk located on Level 0 in the Atrium and we will ensure they get recycled by Love not Landfill.

Future Fashion Infographic Future Fashion SDG