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Top Deals & Offers
Sticks’n’Sushi Launch New Menu
from 08 October to 16 October

Japanese-Danish sushi experts Sticks’n’Sushi, are offering you FIRST ACCESS to book and try their new menu. As a reward for booking in early, you will receive complimentary mushroom croquettes or kani & ikura temaki (snow crab, trout roe, sushi rice on crispy nori) to share. Their exciting new menu goes live on 8th October and this offer is only available for a limited time until 16th October – BOOK HERE

Sticks’n’Sushi Launch New Menu
from 08 October to 16 October

Japanese-Danish sushi experts Sticks’n’Sushi, are offering you FIRST ACCESS to book and try their new menu. As a reward for booking in early, you will receive complimentary mushroom croquettes or kani & ikura temaki (snow crab, trout roe, sushi rice on crispy nori) to share. Their exciting new menu goes live on 8th October and this offer is only available for a limited time until 16th October – BOOK HERE