- Food & Drink
- Luxury Retailers
- Fashion
- Accessories
- Activewear
- Bags & Luggage
- Coats & Jackets
- Dresses
- Handbags & Purses
- Jeans & Pants
- Jewelry & Watches
- Men's Apparel
- Shoes
- Shirts
- Skirts
- Suits
- Sunglasses
- Tops
- Women's Apparel
- Occasion & Bridal
- Leather goods
- Health & Beauty
- Books, Cards & Gifts
- Toys & Hobbies
- Sports & Fitness
- Services
- Home
- Centre Amenities
- Restrooms
- Specialty Services
- Gift Cards
- Concierge
- Shoes
- Jewelry & Watches
- Bags & Luggage
- Curbside Pickup

FIND US IN Westfield Old Orchard
ABOUT Bloomies
Bloomie’s is a highly curated, ever-evolving store concept filled with incredible labels, interactive experiences, refreshing cocktails, and exceptional service. Think a place so fun, colorful, and lively you could easily pop in to see week after week.