Sayana Medical
- Health & Beauty
- Vitamins & Supplements
- Pharmacies
- Beauty and well-being
- Services
- Other services
- Health Services
- Medical Centres
- Pharmacies
- Specialty Health Providers
- Specialty Services

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ABOUT Sayana Medical
Sayana Medical is an integrative medical practice that offers functional medicine consults, nutrient IV therapy and primary care, committed to be in partnership with you throughout your journey towards health. Their providers are trained both in internal medicine and functional medicine and can provide you with holistic and allopathic options in treating illness and in achieving wellness. Sayana Medical utilizes functional labs as well as traditional labs to help understand and provide solutions to your concerns. They have a medicinary stocked with high-quality natural supplements, as well as ancillary team support; including a health coach, acupuncture, frequency microcurrent treatments and trigger point therapy.