🛍️ De lunes a sábado: tiendas abiertas de 9.00-21.00h 

☝️​ De lunes a domingo: restaurantes y cine en V.O.S.E abiertos

Check Westfield Glòries' opening hours🛍️​

Check the opening and closing holidays to not miss the opportunity to come buy🛍️, enjoy your favorite restaurant and premieres🍿

🕘 The usual hours of operation of the shopping centre are from 9.00 to 21.00h, except on Sundays and holidays. From 1st of June to 30th of September, the normal opening hours of the shopping centre will be 9.30-22.00h, except on Sundays and public holidays, which we will open from 12.00-20.00h.  

🥑 Each restaurant has its own business hours (you can consult it here) and the sessions of Mooby Glòries start from 15.00h to 23.00h🍿

🛍️ The stores and Carrefour will open according to the department of Comerç, the following holidays: 

🥶 Winter holidays, hours from 9.00-21.00h🕘

  • January 5th
  • January 12th
  • November 1st (All Saints' Day)
  • November 30th
  • December 6th(Spanish Constitution Day)
  • December 7th
  • December 8th (Immaculate Conception)
  • December 14th 
  • December 21st
  • December 28th

☀️Summer holidays, with hours 12.00-20.00h🕘. Including Sundays and public holidays from 15th of May to 15th of September:

  • June 9th (Easter Monday)
  • June 24th (San Juan)
  • August 15th (La Asunción)
  • September 11th (National Day of Catalonia)

❌ The shops will remain closed on the following holidays, but restaurants and cinemas will remain open as usual😊: 

  • 1st of January (New Year)
  • 6th of January
  • 18th of April 
  • April 21st (Easter Monday)
  • May 1st (Workers' Day)
  • 24th of September (La Mercè)
  • 25th of December (Christmas)
  • 26th of December (Boxing Day)

👆 The restaurants and cinema are open 365 days a year, following their usual schedule

Check Westfield Glòries' opening hours🛍️​Check Westfield Glòries' opening hours🛍️​